Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Talk : GPS and FM Radio

Let's agree, GPS and FM Radio fixing is out of our reach right now. No one has been able to fix it and chances are no one will in the distant future. We need private code of GPS and FM Radio from ASUS and Broadcom to fix this and no one here is an expert in Reverse Engineering, So, I think it's safe to say, we can't fix this on our own.
We have a very stable CM13 for our device that very few other devices have. Heck, OnePlus X got its first official nightly a few days ago. And I think we will get Android N in the future by our developers (I hope ).
Zenfone 5 is a great device, even after 2 years, I can imagine having it for another 2 years or more but I want the next 2 years bug free and stable and I think everyone wants this.
Our primary concern should be about getting this GPS and FM Radio code because we have everything in our reach other than this. GPS and FM Radio are what we need, not different cyanogenmod-based ROMs every day.
Both the companies have rights of their own to decide whether they want to share it or not but why shouldn't we try in our own means ?
We can post daily on ZenTalk once requesting the code or just sit here enjoying our bugged ROMs.
We, as a mass, can do this. We just have to be persistent about the matter and not lose interest, Enough resistance and load on ZenTalk server and we can make an impact on them, just an impact. We just need to make sure they know we want this.
I tried to contact few of the prominent developers here but they weren't willing and I understand why, this is a lost cause if there isn't enough participation from the community. So,
I hope everyone has an opinion about this matter. We can achieve this and we will.

from xda-developers

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